What I'm Reading

Sunday, February 10, 2008


I'm gonna ~revive this, but it'll be less poker content and more "life" content, because I play so little now.

I did play in a $2 rebuy +1 tournament. With $2 rebuys, I managed to blow about $80 on the tourney. Nice work, me.

Anyways, I stumbled across this website the other day. It's pretty interesting.

I was (re)watching an old WPT and saw Paul Phillips, and decided to check out his blog which I haven't look at in a while, and he'd also put up a link to this. A couple comments on his site pointed out a few interesting facts regarding this webpage:
  • Compare the differences between "The Holy Bible" and "I don't read".
  • Those who read "The Bible," as opposed to it's Holy counterpart, score roughly 150 points higher on their SATs.
I think it's also important to note that Russian authors dominate this list, and that apparently Mormon's are much smarter than Christians. I'm curious as to where the Koran would fit on here, as my Muslim friends all seem to be smart as fuck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Backwards logic ftw :D
