What I'm Reading

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Clearly an exaggeration, but...

...I can't help but laugh at this and wonder if this is the road we're going down. Like Prohibition and drug laws, the restrictions on online poker are bound to fail in the face of those who are truly dedicated to continue indulging (even if it does result in a big pain in the ass).

It has sound, if you happen to be watching this at work...

Didn't play much today. I get off of the night schedule after 7am on Monday, so then I should start to readjust, and hopefully stop feeling so lethargic day in and day out. Indy is in a week and a half, so I'll probably try to get in 5k hands or so by then. I know I'm going to get roped into some sick games with some tough players, so I want to make some money before I go and plug as many leaks as possible. If I can run like I did last year, the trip should be moderately profitable.


jmathewson_III said...

I am not getting the video at all. Is it just me?

NFulton said...

You don't get it as in you can't see it, or you don't understand it?

jmathewson_III said...

Sorry for the confusion. I am not seeing the video at all. I just get a white box. Is it something not installed on my computer?

NFulton said...

Might be on my end. I'm kind of a computer moron. Here's the link to the video: http://youtube.com/watch?v=SyZYTvcVb-U

jmathewson_III said...

Well it turns out the problem is my work has blocked YouTube. Go figure. Just thought I'd let you know.